I am a Frontend Web Developer based in Hamburg. Frontend is my passion. I love coding dynamic stuff that is nice to look at and fun to use. This website serves as a portfolio to present my works and developing skills to everybody
who is interested in working with me or just curious.
Feel free to check out applications, animations, games and other stuff I built.
On this movie rating portal movies users can rate old movies based on how much these trigger viewers today. I designed and built the page myself including a Node JS server connected to a MySQL database for saving and receiving user ratings. Movie data I receive via TMDB api. Used technologies: Nuxt 3, Tailwind, Node JS, MySQL.
go to Triggerscore
Vue Mealplanner
This application offers a meal and grocery planner. In the Vue Mealplanner users can add their own receipes and manage a list of grocery items. Ingredients can be added to the grocery list right from the recipe. Data is saved in local storage. The mealplanner is also provied as PWA. I recently migrated the project from Vue 2 with Javascript to Vue 3 using Typescript. Used technologies: Vue 3, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Typescript.
go to Vue Mealplanner
School Fight
This game offers turn based battles with different characters and ten levels, including two mini games and a boss fight. Additionally the game includes six trophies and three hidden characters to unlock. The game is mobile friendly and currently playable on itch.io. Used technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript, HTML Canvas.
play School Fight
Retroclub Game Rating
Retroclub is a private freetime event for gaming enthusiasts, playing games of a specific theme. It is all about discovering new and unique games together and simply having a great a time. This rating page is designed for participants of Retroclub to rate games that we played. Used technologies: React, Serverless functions hosted via Vercel, MongoDB.
Open Retroclub
Clicky Clicky Run Run
To try out Websocket I created this small online multiplayer game. If you want to test it, gather a second player or simply open the game in two tabs. 😉 Click the button as fast as you can to win the race. Used technologies: Vue3, NodeJS, Websocket
play Clicky Clicky Run Run